美国学术型急诊医生,每周上完 26 小时临床班后,还要做……

2018-05-03 11:12 来源:丁香智汇 作者:
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Dr. 宋:侯医生,我们的节目经投票选出了很多很好的话题,其中之一就是美国急诊科医生的日常生活,我们今天谈谈这个话题如何?

Dr. Hou, many good topics have been voted for our program and one of them is the everyday life of the emergency physician(EP) in the U.S.  Shall we talk about this topic today?

Dr. 侯:当然。


Dr. 宋:作为布列根和妇女医院的学术型急诊科医生和危重医学专家,您可以和我们分享一下您典型的一周工作时间表吗?

As an academic emergency physician and an intensivist at Brigham, could you kindly share with us your work schedule in a typical week?

Dr. 侯:没问题。


Dr. 宋:您能先和我们聊聊您的临床时间表吗?

Could you tell us your clinical schedule first?

Dr. 侯:作为哈佛大学附属医院的学术型急诊科医师,我们每年的临床工作要求为 1196 小时,每周分配 26 个临床小时,每年为 46 周,预期将留下 40 小时/周的工作时长的 1/3 用于教学和研究。与非美国学术型急诊科的临床工作要求相比,我们的临床小时数似乎较低,但它与大多数美国学术型急诊科一致。

As historical background for the Harvard affiliated hospital’s academic emergency physicians, our annual clinical commitment is 1,196 hours, which allots for 26 clinical hours per week for 46 weeks per year, but the expectation is that this would leave about a third of a 40-hour week for teaching and research. The number of clinical hours seems low as compared to non-US academic ED’s clinical commitment but is consistent with most US academic ED’s . 

在布列根,我们的急诊科工作班次大多为 9 小时; 因此,全日制学术型急诊科医生将每周工作 3 个班次,每年为 46 周。就我个人而言,我的急诊科临床工作承诺是 0.5 FTE(或全职等效),因此我在急诊科中每周平均工作 26 小时,为期 23 周,而我的其他 0.5 FTE 分为 0.3 FTE,这代表了我的 8 周外科 ICU 临床工作承诺和 0.2 FTE,这代表了我用于临床研究的「买断」时间。

At Brigham, our ED shifts are mostly 9 hours; hence, a full-time academic EP would work 3 shifts a week for 46 weeks a year.  Personally, my ED clinical commitment is 0.5 FTE (or full time equivalent), so I work an average of 26 hours per week for 23 weeks in the ED, and my other 0.5 FTE is split into 0.3 FTE, which represents 8 weeks of my Surgical ICU clinical commitment, and 0.2 FTE, which represent my「buy-down」time for clinical research.

Dr. 宋:那么研究方面,你都做些什么呢?

S: So for research, what do you do?

Dr. 侯:我参与的研究项目主要是脓毒症和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的临床试验和研究。我曾是早期感染性休克协议化护理(ProCESS)试验以及许多美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)和商业临床试验和研究的中心课题负责人。目前,布列根是美国国立卫生研究院资助的急性肺损伤预防和早期治疗(PETAL)网络的一个中心,我是新英格兰组急诊肺损伤(ALIGNE)临床中心的共同课题负责人和 PETAL 网络督导委员会 成员。另外,我也是 PETAL 网络试验的中心课题负责人。

The research projects I am involved are predominantly clinical trials and studies in sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).  I was a site-investigator for the Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS) trial and many NIH and industry clinical trials and studies.  Currently, Brigham is a site for the NIH-sponsored Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung injury (PETAL) Network, and I am the co-PI for the Clinical Center for Acute Lung Injury of Group of New England (ALIGNE) and Steering Committee member of the PETAL Network.  In addition, I am the site-investigator for the PETAL Network trials.

Dr. 宋:那教学部分呢?

How about teaching part?

Dr. 侯:我的教学包括专科培训医生、住院医生、医学生、医生助理学生、大学生在急诊科和 ICU 等临床环境以及教室的见习。对于我们的外科 ICU 专科培训医生,我在星期一和星期二参加他们的教学会议;对于我们的急诊科住院医师,我参加他们的教学课程,并在周二下午参加了死亡率和发病率(M&M)会议和创伤会议;对于医学生来说,我参与的是他们的目标结构化临床考试(OSCE)和专题演讲。

My teaching includes fellows, residents, medical students, physician assistant students, college student shadowing in the clinical setting in the ED and ICU as well as in the classrooms.  For our Surgical ICU fellows, I participate in their didactic conferences on Mondays and Tuesdays; for our Emergency Medicine residents, I  participate in their teaching sessions and attend the Mortality and Morbidity (M&M) and Trauma conferences on Tuesday afternoons; and for medical students, I participate is their Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) and topical presentations.

Dr. 宋:谢谢您。除了临床、教学和研究工作外,您还有其他任务吗?

Thank you. In addition to clinical, teaching, and research efforts, are there any other duties or obligations?

Dr. 侯:是的,最重要的任务之一是对我们的培训生和我们的初级教员进行导师指导。此外还有基金申请和发表文章。

Yes, one of the most important obligations is Mentorship to our trainees and our junior faculty. in addition, we have expectations regarding Grant application, and of course, Publications.

Dr. 宋:你每年需要参加的学术会议是怎样的?

How about academic conferences that you may need to attend every year?

Dr. 侯:我通常会参加学术紧急医学学会(SAEM)年会和重症医学会(SCCM)大会,特别是当我的同事,住院医和我有文章摘要的大会发言。

I usually try to attend the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting and Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Congress, especially when my fellows, residents, and I have abstracts to present.

Dr. 宋:


So, it seems like in a typical week, you juggle among these academic obligations and at different combinations each week, correct?

Dr. 侯:是的,这就是美国典型的学术型急诊科医师的工作时间表。

Yes, this is what a typical academic emergency physician’s work schedule in the US.



美国医生:侯全益医生,哈佛医学院急诊科讲师, 布列根和妇女医院急诊科医生,外科 ICU 重症监护专家。

U.S. doctor: Dr. Peter Hou is an Instructor in Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School, an Emergency Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and a critical care specialist in the Surgical ICU.

Chinese doctor: Dr. Rui Song, former resident physician of internal medicine in China and Singapore,  freelancer  and she is doing clinical research on Autism in Boston.



Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS)


Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury (PETAL) Network


Reevaluation Of Systemic Early Neuromuscular Blockade (ROSE)


Vitamin D to Improve Outcomes by Leveraging Early Treatment (VIOLET)


Crystalloid Liberal or Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis (CLOVERS)





编辑: 文千月

