急诊科只需要医护?美国医生:Not Enough

2018-04-28 15:10 来源:丁香智汇 作者:
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请戳→急诊科医生是「全能手」?美国医生 Say No






美国医生:侯全益医生,哈佛医学院急诊科讲师, 布列根和妇女医院急诊科医生,外科 ICU 重症监护专家。
U.S. doctor: Dr. Peter Hou is an Instructor in Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School, an Emergency Physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and a critical care specialist in the Surgical ICU.

Chinese doctor: Dr. Rui Song, former resident physician of internal medicine in China and Singapore,  freelancer  and she is doing clinical research on Autism in Boston.

Dr. 宋:侯医生您好,我对美国急诊科的医疗团队构成很感兴趣。除了医生和护士之外,我听说团队中还有其他的医疗专业人员。你能否更详细地描述一下他们所扮演的不同角色?
Hi Dr. Hou, I am very interested in the medical team here in the US emergency departments.  Besides doctors and nurses, I heard that there are other healthcare professionals.  Could you describe more about the different roles that they perform?

Dr. 侯:当然。在急诊科,我们经常需要团队合作,因为医疗团队是由许多医疗服务提供者所共同组成。


我们很幸运拥有一位急诊科药剂师,这在美国大多数急诊室是不存在的。 急诊科药剂师可以帮助处理许多急性情况。例如:





Sure. In the ED, the medical team is composed of many providers as it often requires team work.  However, it may be various combination of different providers taking care of an individual patient. In general, we are lucky to have a pharmacist in the ED, which often does not exist in most EDs in the United States.

The ED pharmacist can help with many acute conditions.  

For examples:

1. A patient who has a stroke and needs to have thrombolysis. The pharmacist is a stroke team member who will be activated to the bedside to help facilitate appropriate medication administration.

2.As another example of a patient who presents in cardiac arrest or in shock, the ED pharmacist may be helpful in obtaining the vasopressor medications to the bedside nurse. 

3. And for someone who is infected and needs antibiotics, the ED pharmacist often facilitates correct antibiotic dosing and frequency. 

4. Lastly, as most medical error is medication related, the ED pharmacist assists with medication reconciliation with the patient and/or family members to make sure that the patient is taking the correct prescribed medication and correct dose and frequency.  

So, it is quite a luxury that we have a pharmacist in ED.

Other healthcare professionals include the social worker, who is involved in helping the patient with resources in our community.   As a classic example since the ED often take care of the homeless population, the homeless patients may request to seek shelter and social worker will help coordinate this request.  Other role for social worker is evaluating the family dynamics of a patient.  For example, there are conditions that must be reported by law such as geriatric abuse and child abuse.  These conditions require the social worker to become intimately involved, and again for us, a luxury that we have in our ED because many hospitals have social workers designated for the hospital but are not designated for the ED only.  



Another important provider are the care coordinators or case managers.  Often the role is performed by a nurse who knows the healthcare system well and would help assess the patient whether or not acute hospitalization is required.  For example, patients may initially present to the ED and be admitted to our ED observation unit.  As most of these patients will improve their condition during the observation period, they may be safely discharged home with outpatient services such as visiting nurse and/or physical therapist(which they could help arrange).  Or they can help coordinate patients to go to acute rehabilitation facilities or even nursing home or hospice.  So, these are three specific types of professionals with different yet important roles in our ED. 

Since we are a teaching hospital, we see patients with the residents and medical students.  Furthermore, we also see patients with physician assistants and physician assistant students.  Other ED staff include emergency service technicians, medical interpreters、scribes、 sitters、transporters、 and volunteers.  They are all very important members of our ED team.

Dr. 宋:是的,他们确实非常重要。非常感谢您和我们介绍急诊科医疗团队成员。下一期节目,我们一起聊聊贵院以及美国的急诊科住院医师培训如何?
S: Yes, they really are. Thank you very much for describing your medical team members.  As for next time, shall we talk about emergency medicine residency training in your hospital and in the US?

Dr. 侯:好的。


what will we talk about?


The growth story of emergency physicians – Discuss the residency training system of ER in China and U.S.






编辑: 文千月

